Hearing Amplifiers for the Hard of Hearing | MySecondEar

20 products

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Kopfhörer  - BE9122
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Mino - BE2030 Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Mino - BE2030
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Maxi Pro - BE2021 Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Maxi Pro - BE2021
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Im-Ohr-Hörer - BE9124
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Induktionsschlinge - BE9159 / BE9161
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Einsteckhörer-Headset - BE9229
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Kabel Kit - BE9126
Bellman & Symfon Zubehör Bellman Reise-Etui - BE9147

Hearing Amplifier

A hearing amplifier is an electronic device used to improve the hearing of people with hearing problems. Hearing amplifiers usually come in the form of small, portable devices that are inserted into the ear and amplify the sound signal coming in from the outside.

The use of sound amplifiers can be a valuable aid for people with hearing problems, especially in noisy environments or when following conversations over long distances. However, there are also some limitations to using sound processors.

First of all, hearing amplifiers are not able to improve the hearing of people with severe hearing loss. In these cases, medical hearing aids that are specifically fitted for the individual's hearing loss and offer higher amplification are usually recommended.

Second, sound processors are not always able to amplify all frequencies equally well. For example, some sound processors are better at amplifying high frequencies while neglecting lower frequencies, which can lead to a distorted perception of sound.

Third, sound processors can also amplify background noise, which can be distracting in noisy environments. Medical hearing aids, on the other hand, are able to cancel out the background noise and focus on the conversation, which is a valuable help for many people.

Overall, it can be said that hearing amplifiers can provide useful support in certain situations, especially for people with mild to moderate hearing loss, however, they do not replace medical hearing aids